
Music has played a central role in my personal faith journey as well as in my ministry. I’ve been writing music for congregational singing and leading music in worship (solo, accompaniment, and in a band setting) since I was 15 years old, as a hobby and in my professional context. I also am a hobbyist singer-songwriter outside of church. Below are two samplings of my writings.

The first is a singer-songwriter style song I wrote after traveling through Israel-Palestine and along the US-Mexico border, learning in both places about the beautiful, complicated, and gut-wrenching history–both past and present. This song is about learning to encounter others with openness, letting their story become part of your own–even letting it challenge and illuminate and change your own understanding of the world.

The second song is one I wrote for use in congregational singing in worship. It’s a call to imagine another world, God’s dream for our world, and to arise and walk into it. As Christians, we believe that the “Kingdom of God” is both already here among us–we can touch it and feel it and see it–and not yet fully realized. We live in this tension, co-creating a new world with God.